Visceral Disgorge Heads to Chicago’s Domination Fest July 29, 2016

At FestPop we are holding true to our mission…We found a few new music festival genres, or really they found us. Welcome to the Death Metal or Brutal Slam genre. I love all music and all musicians know Jazz and speed metal are the most difficult to master so mad respect for Visceral Disgorge, the new kings of Brutal Slam. Visceral Disgorge heads to Chicago’s Domination Fest July 29th, 2016.

Visceral Disgorge originally formed in early 2007, coming from the remains of a former death metal band known as Eaten Alive. Wanting to go in a heavier direction than their previous band, Travis Werner and Eric Vieraitis began forming the foundation of what would later be known as Visceral Disgorge.

Visceral Disgorge heads to chicago

In late 2009, Visceral Disgorge recorded a single demo track which received the attention that resulted in the signing of a record deal with Japanese death metal label Amputated Vein Records.

The band uses a brutal death metal style which utilizes a guttural death growl type of vocal delivery. They use down tuned guitars often incorporating fast and complex guitar riffing as well as slam riffs and breakdowns, alongside an onslaught of blast beats and double bass drumming, as well as a sophisticated and technical sense of song writing. The bands lyrics and imagery primarily focus on gratuitous graphic violence which is highly influenced by various works of horror fiction, science fiction, and horror films

After kicking ass in Europe and the U.K. on the “Sickness Descends on Europe 2016″ tour with Disentomb, Visceral Disgorge laid waste to packed venues at both Netherlands Deathfest and Maryland Deathfest

Next stop, Visceral Disgorge Heads to Chicago’s Domination Fest July 29, 2016

Get Your Visceral Disgorge Merch Here >>US Storefront

Get Your Visceral Disgorge Merch Here >>EU Storefront



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