Maya Jane Coles ‘Takes Flight’ With New Album and Remixes



For years, Maya Jane Coles has been proving to the world that she is more than just a DJ. Her unique sound and effortless cool-girl aura has seen her command dance floors and grace decks all over the world. In more than 40 countries and counting and all of the worlds largest festivals, she is always welcomed by adoring fans that she keeps moving and grooving until the very last track. Her 4 million fans on social media will agree – Coles is in a class all her own, and there is nothing that will slow her down.

2017 has seen Maya release her second album, ‘Take Flight’, on her own label I/AM/ME via Skint Records/BMG. ‘Take Flight’ is her most substantial body of work to date and is the long awaited follow up to her debut album “Comfort” (2013) and her “Nocturnal Sunshine” project (2015). The LP boasts 24 sultry, groovy tracks for both on and off the dance floor. Like all of her releases, she has written, produced, engineered, arranged, mixed and performed every track. As well as designing the album art, this self-made powerhouse can do it all.

Maya and Friends

The album sees guest appearances from acoustic-songwriter Chelou on ‘Darkside’, which is slow, vivid and totally immersive, We Fell To Earth singer Wendy Rae Fowler on ‘A Chemical Affair’ and ‘Misty Morning’ before singer Rachel Butt from the band GAPS features on ‘Keep Me Warm’.

Following the release, a number of artists have come forward and offered their interpretations of ‘Take Flight’, breathing new life into an already masterful collection. The roster includes remixes from Tiger Stripes, M.F.S: Observatory, Boxia, Wax Wings and Mak & Pasteman, each artist giving one of Maya’s originals a new twist.

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All tracks are now available through Maya’s label, I/AM/ME, and stay tuned for news and updates.

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