Round Three of ‘NOST’ Remixes: Alan Oldham, XDB and More

We can’t get enough of Ellen Allien‘s mammoth Nost album – and neither can her peers. After two brilliant remix packages featuring reworks by Truncate, Gerd Janson and K-HAND, (just to name a few), the BPitch Control boss lady is back for round three. As always, the remix collection features some of the best and brightest in the underground techno scene, each sprinkling a bit of their own flavour onto one of Ellen’s originals. Up to bat this time around are Alan Oldham, Eomac, Amotik and XDB – the combination of Ellen’s genius with each of these artists’, each with a sterling reputation all their own, results in something truly magical.


A1. Ellen Allien – Jack My Ass (Alan Oldham Remix) 7:04
A2. Ellen Allien – Mind Journey (Eomac Remix) 5:51
B1. Ellen Allien – Mind Journey (Amotik Remix) 5:49
B2. Ellen Allien – Call Me (XDB Remix) 6:52

Kicking off round three is Alan Oldham, known as ‘Detroit Techno’s Renaissance Man’. He injects ‘Jack My Ass’ with more energy and jackin’ beats, for a tune that will have you doing exactly as the title suggests. Eomac is up next. The Irish producer does a brilliant job of distorting and warping ‘Mind Journey’ to a point of eerie, unrecognizable chaos. Amotik offers a different spin on ‘Mind Journey’, a little more energized than Eomac’s version – emotive strings and hefty drums are at the forefront in this one. Last but not least, XDB‘s spin on ‘Call Me’ serves up a groovy, irresistible bassline that keeps you hooked from start to finish.

The full package drops on February 23, so we will have to hold tight until then…

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