Kim Petras’ Clarity Tour Solidifies Her Pop Icon Status

Kim Petras blessed Boston with her Clarity Tour on November 22nd and 23rd and it was everything and more. As a die hard stan of Kim for years who has never been able to catch her in person, this two night appearance was a dream come true for me. Hopefully my review does justice to how truly special and awe inspiring her show was for me.

Just a year or two ago Kim was playing small gay bars but has recently had an impressive rise to fame and is now selling out venues internationally. As a member and pillar of the LGBTQ community she has easily grown a loyal and devoted fan base. It’s not hard to see why people are so drawn to her. Her music is outrageously fun and she has the personality to match. The German pop icon is best known for her spooky approach to electro-pop music and her lovable bratty attitude.

Kim Petras

During her second show in Boston, Kim’s ability to energize and captivate the audience was abundantly clear. From the moment she went on until the very end the crowd was screaming, singing and dancing in excitement.

Her show was broken up into sections, each reflecting different aspects of her music career. Each one was introduced with a costume change. She sang some of her classic hits like “Heart to Break”, “Hillside Boys” and “You Call My Name” while prancing around the stage in a fun and flirty outfit.

Kim Petras

About halfway through her set Kim brought her fans to the dark side with favorites from her Halloween albums. The audience ate it up; they love to get down to her dramatic and ghoulish dance beats. The energy shift with songs like “Death By Sex”, “Massacre” and “There Will Be Blood” was apparent by her fans scream-singing their angst out alongside Kim.

Towards the end of her set she came out in a piece of her merchandise and serenaded the audience with songs from the Clarity album. After, Kim took off the T-shirt and threw it to a lucky fan. This revealed the glittery nude dress that she had underneath and she ended the show with fans feeling satisfied and more connected to her.

Kim Petras

Her costume changes and charming personality were part of what made her show so amazing. There wasn’t much to her stage setup and she was only accompanied by DJ Aaron Joseph but she didn’t need more than that. Kim handled the stage perfectly on her own. Watching her dance and enjoy herself made for an intimate and personal performance. 

If you have the opportunity to see Kim Petras in person you should definitely do so. The way her authentic self shines through her performance will make for a memorable experience that many people can resonate with.

Clarity Album

Turn Off The Lights Album

Director of Communications, Azita Lotfi

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