Vancouver’s Newest Talent Agency – Triple A Talent: ‘So many factors pointed us individually to the same conclusion, so it was kismet when we decided to found the agency.’

Canada’s newest booking agency Triple A Talent has opened its doors in Vancouver, with a stacked roster of artists to set the tone in 2020. The agency is a collective of music industry professionals, who’ve come together to offer what they do best. Canada is an under-serviced market for electronic music, and the partners recognize the need and are working closely with their talent to help achieve attainable goals. Severine Erickson is the President of the new agency and we had a chat with him to learn more about Triple A Talent.

Triple A Talent has just launched over in Vancouver, Canada – Big congrats! Your roster of talent seems to represent artists from the underground, drum & bass, to house music. What makes an artist desirable to be picked up on your roster?

We look at a number of factors including personality (seriously, no creeps!), track record, potential, social impact and “X factor.” Most of the artists we’re working with come from relationships we had established over many years, and we were always impressed with their passion and work ethic from the get go.

Tell us a little bit about your Triple A Talent team? What makes up the very core of your agency? How did you collectively join forces and what is your ethos all about?

We’re a group of 7 partners with very diverse perspectives in the music industry, collectively having filled many of the key roles on and off stage. We all share the same values and possess the same drive and passion. We’re all friends outside of music, even though it is what brought all of us together in some way or another. So many factors pointed us individually to the same conclusion, so it was kismet when we decided to found the agency.

“Everyone from our team has been working on the business end of the industry for numerous years and in various capacities, such as talent buyer, production manager, festival stage director, record label owner, promoter, etc.

Triple A Talent Artist: Shiny Things / Photo Credit Michael Benz

Being serious music lovers at heart, your team are in the business driven solely by passion. When did you first fall in love with Electronic Music? And when did you decide to enter the music industry on the business side? 

All of us have been in love with Electronic music collectively for, let’s just say a very, very long time and many of us for decades. That doesn’t take into account our passion for music outside EDM. Everyone from our team has been working on the business end of the industry for numerous years and in various capacities, such as talent buyer, production manager, festival stage director, record label owner, promoter, etc. I’m not even sure it was a conscious choice for many so much as a logical conclusion.

For those up-and-coming artists across Canada looking for representation, what are some key pointers you can offer them to be considered on an agency such as yours?

Never stop improving your craft, be it your production skills, your vocal techniques, your DJ skills, playing instruments, and anything in between. Don’t quit your day job – musicians need to eat, ya know! Don’t be discouraged, and always engage your fanbase.

What are your top 3 Spotify playlists off your roster at the moment? 

Freshtildef: Exciting footwork and jungle artist operating out of Texas. Her productions pay homage to classic rave music in a totally fresh perspective.

GREAZUS: co-founders of Triple A talent and Aufect Recordings. Recently released full-length multi-BPM LP. Played primetime slots at Bass Coast and Shambhala.

Raquel Divar: Talented Rap vocalist from Portland, OR. Has upcoming collaborations with The Widdler.

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