5 Rules to Follow While Attending Music Festivals

If you call yourself a music fan, you know how tempting a music festival is, especially one where your favorite band features. The atmosphere is electric and you are transported to a world with like-minded individuals. 

You all sing as one and forget about the day of tomorrow, even if only for a short while. There is nothing that gets close to the vibe and comradery you share with the people around you. Everyone is there for one reason and that is to party like there is no tomorrow. 

Summer festival trends 2020 promise to deliver another epic music season of mind-blowing shows, but if you are new to the scene, here are a couple of essential rules you need to remember.

Dress the part

Of course, you want to fit into the crowd and look the part, but you don’t want to go to a music festival with your brand-new expensive outfit. Ladies, put away the heels as you will be doing a lot of walking and as the night progresses, your ability to stay on those heels will also diminish. 

You might look amazing in that new little number of yours, but before the festival is done, you will wish for a pair of flip flops and a comfortable pair of jeans and a t-shirt. 

You need to keep in mind that music festivals can get rough and not everyone will be as considerate or mindful of where you are. If you are in the middle of the crowd, singing your lungs out, the chances are that someone else will do the same, but with a drink in their hand. 

Before you can cheer the band on their performance, you might be soaked in someone’s beer. It is not as though they do this intentionally. Everybody is having a good time and it is easy to lose a bit of control as you get swept up with the rest of the masses. 

And did we talk about the college assignments that are pending and need to be submitted soon? Well, while preparing for the fest, don’t forget to use a paper service or an assignment writing service that can take care of your dissertation, term papers, homework, essays and thesis writing. Basically, everything that you need written. 

Have a sober buddy

When you go to a music festival, having a sober buddy is essential, especially when you are going for your first music festival camping experience. There are a lot of people and you usually pitch your tent during the day when you can see everything. 

If it’s the first day of the festival, people are still relatively relaxed and driven by pure excitement at the same time. But when the sun goes down, the game changes and without you noticing, you get swept up in the hype and lose track of where you are.

Who could blame you? The music is electric, the atmosphere is almost tangible and everyone is having a good time. Not to mention, since you arrived, you have slowly but surely consumed more than your regular dose of alcohol. If you don’t have your sober buddy, you are in for a long night for the wrong reasons. 

You won’t be able to find your tent and you certainly won’t get much sleep either. Having a sober buddy means that you will have someone who has your back and will be able to take you back when the time comes. 

Lose the phone

In this tech world of today, we want to share every experience and a good time as it happens. It is as if we want to show everyone that we are having a better time and your social events become social competitions. 

Don’t be that guy or gal at the music festival. You are missing out on all the good stuff. There are amazing bands performing their hearts out and when you are on your phone the whole time, you will miss the show. 

These festivals aren’t just there for the music, but for the stage performances as well. The shows are carefully planned and the effects and the band members work hard to deliver spectacular and visually pleasing shows. Take a couple of pictures, but don’t waste the moment it trying to update your social profile.

Be wild, but respectful

If there is one thing that can be expected at a music festival, it is that it can get rowdy and wild. People tend to lose a bit more control as the evening progresses. You are also there to lose a bit of control, but you don’t have to be an idiot either. Going wild and not respecting the people around are two very different things. 

If you do decide to let your hair down and doing the crazy, keep the people around in mind. No one likes the person that is constantly bumping into everyone else (that is if you are not in the mosh pit). 

More than that, you also know how it feels when someone spills their drink on you because they were just careless. You know your limits and should try not to overstep them. It is not worth it to get into a fight or get shoved out of the group because you took it too far. 

Don’t be a stranger

One of the best parts about music festivals is that you are surrounded by people who share your interests. For one, they love music and they also love big parties. This is the perfect environment to hook up with some new friends. Who knows, you might even hook up with a new boyfriend or girlfriend. 

One of the reasons why you should go out and meet new people is because you are probably going to see the real version of who they are and not a fake pretend version. If it’s a festival weekend, even better. If you are the one who is going to keep to yourself, you will find that although thousands of people surround you, you’ll be lonely. 

People are generally also more inviting and won’t take exception when you join their group somewhere. In fact, you’d be surprised at how friendly people are and how easy it is to meet new friends. If you are a bit on the shy side, take one of your friends along. 

SnowGlobe Music Festival


Music festivals are some of the best social events that you could land up going to. A music festival is one of the very few occasions where it is ok to lose a bit of control and just be yourself, but you should always respect the people around you as well. It is not a fashion show, so you don’t need to dress up. 

Going at it alone is ok, but the whole purpose is to make new friends and enjoy a common love for music. If you have never tried it before, make a point of it to go to the next available festival. You won’t regret it. 

Author Bio

Michael Gorman is a highly skilled freelance essay writer and proofreader from the UK who currently works at Essay writing service. His deep interest in new developments and innovations combined with his superb writing skills means great blog posts for his audience on a regular basis. Feel free to contact him via Facebook or Twitter

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