Rod Picott to Release Fortune on August 14

Nashville-based singer-songwriter Rod Picott is set to release his latest album Fortune on August 14. Rod’s innate gift of story-telling allowed fans to grow accustomed to his storied lyrics that observe from a distance. Previous albums and live performances are brimming with songs that act like novels, about quirky characters and the experiences they endure. But Fortune takes a look inward and dives into Picott’s innermost desires and feelings yet.  Before moving to Nashville several years ago to make music, Picott was hanging sheet rock in New England, but wanted something more. With this album, he intended for a naked and raw sound to make Fortune sound like one of his lie shows.


Fortune examines the sense of chance, the title an optimistic way to say you-never-know-what-can-happen. Fortune combats the risks we take in our relationships, careers, and life by guiding the listener with Picott-lived tales of heartache and hope, fear and faith. For the first time, we are seeing Picott in the same light he bestowed on the characters in his stories and get a chance to see the artist on a personal level. Accompanying voices on Fortune include Will Kimbrough (Steve Earle, Guy Clark) handling the electric guitar aspect, Lex Price on bass, and producer Nelson Hubbard (The Apache Relay, Matthew Ryan) doubling as the group’s drummer. Picott is plugged in and played, with only a handful of overdubs on the album. He recorded the first six songs in one day and the rest of the recording took less than two weeks. Picott focused on chasing his live sound with Fortune; one listen through the album and it is easy to understand why—the sound works.


By: Sarah Kelleher

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