Jimmy Edgar’s edit of DJ Spookie “Reload” is available for free download

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Christmas has come early!  Jimmy Edgar’s edit of DJ Spookie “Reload” is available for FREE download

“This track has been one of my personal joys since I first heard it in 1998.  I decided to make an edit, mostly because all of my vinyl copies are in such poor condition.  Coincidentally, Traxman introduced me to Emmanuel Pippen (aka DJ Spookie) just a day before this free release.  After speaking, I was surprised to find out he produced another top record of mine, Emanuel “Me & 909″ on Trax Records.Emmanuel gave his blessing with the edit, which is important to me because I wanted to keep the integrity of the track while also adding my personal flavor to it.  Thank you for sharing this moment with me.” -Jimmy Edgar
Edited by Jimmy Edgar 
Original production by DJ Spookie
Download HERE

 Written By FestPop Staff Writer Kadie Murphy

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