10 Techniques for Getting Your Fans to Tune into Your Live Stream

Nobody would want to have their content-producing efforts for live streaming to go down the drain. To remove your worries, below are a list of tips that you can use to get more people to join your live streams: 

1. Pick the Least Popular Time

Select a suitable time slot when the number of virtual events occurring is minimum. At such a time, more people will find out about your virtual event and may tune in live. Otherwise, if you go live at a time of high activity, people may find themselves lost in a variety of content available online. 

That’s why it’s important that you choose the day and time that is convenient for you and your fans. If you’re unable to get fans to join your live streams on Fridays or Saturdays, then do it on the weekdays that are easier for fans to join. The same condition applies to other types of virtual events too. However, make sure that the time selected is suitable for you as well. 

2. Inform Your Fan base Days before Live streaming

If more than half of your followers don’t know about your live stream, then you’re not utilizing your social media platforms properly. Notifying them on the day of the live stream will give your followers a very short period of time to decide.

Every individual has their own hectic to-do list and may not check in to their social media accounts on a regular basis. So, it’s the duty of the organizer that they inform their followers about the live stream at least a week before the date of the event.

A variety of digital marketing services are available, which include social media marketing and e-mail. Use these to your advantage to notify your audience so that they don’t miss out on important announcements.

3. Follow a Timetable

Set up a proper timetable for your live stream. Whether it’s on a weekly or monthly basis, select an appropriate time slot that fits you. Once you have selected it, you have to stick to it. Your follower wouldn’t like to search for details about your stream every time. 

Another key factor of regularity is to begin streaming on time. It’s a good habit to prepare yourself and begin the live stream 5-10 minutes before the set time. This prevents a follower from leaving the virtual event when they see a blank screen.

4. Say a Few Words About the Content of Your Live Stream

How would you find out about a live stream of your choice? By reading their descriptions. If little to no detail is given about your virtual event, one wouldn’t know what your live stream is all about. With some hints about the topics that your live stream is covering or about an activity that you’re organizing, people will have enough information to consider to watch your virtual event.

5. Constantly Engage With Your Audience

Engagement and interaction add life to your virtual event. Whether you’re explaining a concept, reading a book, or playing a game, speaking to your followers will provide the confidence to engage with you. Asking for opinions or answering their questions is a great way to interact with your audience. Through such interactions, you’re giving viewers a fresh experience. 

6. Expand Your Reach

If you want to increase viewership and extend your reach on your live streams, then online networking is the way to go. You can use multiple social media platforms where you have a large following to promote your live streams and your brand among your followers.

Networking before live streams allows you to have bigger audiences more than the ones that you would have at your physical events. Make sure to give your audience plenty of notice so that they can catch your live stream on time. It’s better to inform your audience two months prior if you have a big event.  

7. Use Proper Equipment

One of the most common problems that you face when doing live streams is a poor WiFi connection, low camera quality, and poor audio. If your viewers have to put up with any of these problems, then you’ll definitely lose more viewers than gain them.

It’s important to make sure that you have the right equipment when you are doing live streams, such as an encoder, live streaming platform, and recording equipment. Choose a live streaming platform that is well equipped with features that you need for content management experience and video hosting. 

8. Stream a Special Event Just For Your Audience

Another way to increase your viewership without having to live stream regularly is by hosting a special event every once in a while to connect with your audience. It doesn’t have to be the same type of event every time; you have the liberty to choose what type of live stream you want to organize next time, such as: 

  • Live performances or concerts 
  • Gaming sessions with your fans 
  • Conferences/webinars

9. Conduct Long Live streams

Long live streams offer more time for your audience to focus and tune in to what you’re saying. Viewers make up their mind to spend some of their time with you, so it’s up to you how you use it to interact with your audience. Be yourself and provide a lively environment. Also, provide some educational tips that’ll give them an advantage in their lives. It’s recommended to live stream for at least 30 mins and a maximum of 2 hours. 

10. Get Partners to Promote Your Live Streams

Finding other people to talk about your live stream is another great way to gain hype. Especially if you have a business or a brand, a partnership is an important part of success. So if you have a partner, get them to promote your live streams and brands.

If you don’t have a partner, then you have the perfect chance to find one—someone who has similar interests as you, someone like a brand advocate. 

Wrapping Up

Your live stream is an important event where you get to engage with your fans. Every viewer watching counts, as chances are you can convert those viewers into followers. A key point to remember is to entertain and be real with your audience because they want you to interact with them.

Spread the word about your virtual event through social media platforms, and remember to remind your followers’ days before the event. By following these techniques, your live stream can achieve sufficient coverage. 

Author Bio: 
Arslan Hassan is an electrical engineer with a passion for writing, designing, and anything tech-related. His educational background in the technical field has given him the edge to write on many topics. He occasionally writes blog articles for Dynamologic Solutions.

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