SPLASH HOUSE June Edition Kills It! August Edition Coming Aug 11-13 2017

SplashHouse 2017

Splash House is always one of our favorites to go to every year and is always filled with amazing pool vibes and great music. The festival was held at three hotels, the Renaisance, the Riviera and The Saguaro- each with their own Splash House vibe. Hotel Rooms were open with Splash Housers dancing from balconies with floaties, bathing suits & a nice cold drink in hand. Festivals are all about the vibes and the more people with good vibes, the better time we have! This place was like a whirlpool of insane vibes and energy- we were all feeling the moment, the people around us, the music and the artists.

On Friday, we drove out to Palm Springs- a straight shot from LA. On the drive, we played music from our favorite Splash House artists and talked about who we were most excited to see! We spent the entire car ride getting amped and before we knew it, we were in Palm Springs- the time flew by!

We stayed at an air bnb only about a 10 minute uber ride away from the festivities. We also had lots of friends staying at the hotels where the parties took place too! Depending on how hard you want to party, either way is a great choice. We arrived late Friday night so we settled into our air bnb and got prepared for the two full days ahead.


Saturday morning, we started to day off with Mimosas and headed to our first stop of the day around noon- The Riviera! We had friends staying on the first floor with a patio that overlooked the stage- so we made our way there! The room had a DJ setup on the inside and outside the patio was massive with a bubble machine and every floatie you could imagine! This group did it right. We also could hear the artist performing perfectly from the outdoor patio.

We caught Soslo, a duo from Los Angeles, who played at 1:00 pm. Their melodic, vibes tunes with sexy vocals on top set the mood for the day. The vibes were there- sun out, awesome friends, pool floaties, bathing suits, and a fresh cold drink in hand!

Of course, we had to get out and explore the action. Robotaki was up next so we made our way to the pool for his set. Robotaki gives off a Porter Robinson vibe- one of my favorite’s by him is a remix he did of Porter Robinson and Madeon

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All of his music is great, especially to set Summer 2017 off right. We jammed out and danced around the pool to his set.


Okay, now it’s time to switch up venues. So far we have only hit 1 out of 3 and need to make it to all of them before the day is over! Next stop.. the Renaissance. Strange Club was playing followed by Pat Lok. Hype levels were set! Strange Club has super dancy, deep disco vibes. I felt like I was at a day, pool party disco club. Pat Lok is from Vancouver and brought his talent to LA which we were stoked about! His music is house, soulful disco. We were feelin’ it and couldn’t stop moving. Next stop.. Chris Malinchak at the Saguaro. I felt like I was in Ibiza for a second with his pool dance tunes. Other highlights from the day were The Knocks, Tensake and Thomas Jack.

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Splash House June 2017


We woke up, made breakfast and pumped some mimosas into our system before hitting the stages for the last day of Splash House. We started back at the Riviera where we caught Jimno Jenkins and Big Game. Medasin also had a crazy set where he started out with his vibes that we all know and love him for, then he cranked up the energy. The pool party started to get wild.


Other artists who played Sunday are Sasha Robotti, SAINT WKND, LDRU and Amtrac. Sunday’s lineup was insane and packed full of incredible artists- it was so hard to decide which venue to go to. Sam Feldt was another favorite and Super Duper Kyle switched the vibe up with a hip hip set. He got the crowd to all hop in the pool, including himself. It was wild!

Anna Lunoe murdered her set, even being 5 months pregnant. Nothing stops her from killing it! Nora En Pure, Hot Chip, Tokimonsta and Bonobo all ended off the night with insane music. We never wanted the day to end!Splash house had yet another mind blowing lineup with incredible people and set the tone for Summer pool parties! We can’t wait for August! Here’s a special playlist to get you pumped for August. 

Check out the August lineup:




FestPop Sr Staff Writer, Suzy Ledford

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