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Apollonia Countdown to The BPM Festival 2016

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Apollonia Countdown to The BPM Festival 2016

Apollonia is gearing up to close out 2015 with an all night set at Stereo Montreal on December 31, before heading back stateside to join in the festivities on New Year’s Day at Verboten New York on January 1, 2016. The French trio (composed of Dan Ghenacia, Dyed Soundorom and Shonky) just completed a North American and will be starting off the new year with several performances, including The BPM Festival in Mexico.

Next March, Apollonia will release highly anticipated remixes of their debut album Tour à Tour with a three-part EP series on their Apollonia Music label, featuring reworks by The Martinez Brothers, Charles Webster, Hold Youth, Mike Shannon, Terrence:Terry: and more.

The trio will also make their triumphant return to The BPM Festival 2016 at The BPM Festival presents Ya’ah Muul with (in alphabetical order) Bas Ibellini, Caleb Calloway, Dino G & Garrett B, Guy Gerber, Lauren Lane, Luciano, Paul Kalkbrenner, Tale Of Us, The Martinez Brothers, and Who at The Jungle on January 9, and THUMP presents Apollonia showcase at Canibal Royal in Playa del Carmen, Mexico on January 16 alongside Molly and Taimur Agha.

Photo Credit: Kevin Lake


Apollonia’s Countdown to BPM:
December 31 – New Year’s Eve @ Stereo Montreal
January 1 – New Year’s Day @ Verboten New York
January 2 – Music On @ Story, Miami
January 3 @ Storyland – Cartagena, Columbia
January 9 – The BPM Festival Presents Ya’ah Muul
January 16 – THUMP presents Apollonia @ The BPM Festival
 For more on Apollonia:

Written By FestPop Staff Writer Kadie Murphy

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