Danny Avila Respects Madonna & Loves Brownies

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In an industry where flashing lights and celebrities flock the streets of Hollywood, you must be a pretty well known DJ in the EDM industry to stand out.

Well, beautiful ladies and gents, Danny Avila has managed to capture the heart of Hollywood on a busy Memorial Day weekend. If it had been any other Sunday, a vibrant crowd would have been in bed, preparing for finals or for rising early for work the next morning. But not tonight. The jam-packed crowd was alive and ready to embrace the sights of this hangover worthy performance, by a worldwide renowned, Madrid, Spain born and bred DJ.

What was most notable about this event: All of the attendees were moving to the beat, as if it were still 1999. Amid green beamed lights and glistening sweat, party people – forgetting their problems – were listening to their favorite jam, with huge smiles on their faces, without further ado the fist pumping encountered, now What kind of memorable EDM event would it have been without this kind of atmosphere?

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Create Nightclub, May 24th, 2016, was a special Sunday fun day. It was so memorable, you could go out to brunch the next day, have yourself a champagne mimosa, and the conversation piece would still be the nostalgic feeling of the previous night’s event.

This youthful, talented, 20 year old isn’t your ordinary DJ: He is an accomplished, classically trained musician, who plays both the piano and the violin.

In an exclusive interview backstage, we covered a wide range of topics. Danny shared his fondness for brownies. So ladies, if you’re thinking about having a chance with him, make sure Betty Crocker isn’t the only brownie recipe you’ve ever baked. If he’s gonna scratch on the ones and twos for you, be prepared you match his scratch on his next batch.

We also had the opportunity to ask Danny a few musically driven questions. In a nut shell, Danny shared his admiration for Tiesto, and for the camaraderie he’s developed with other industry driven DJ’s. When asked, “Who is that one person that you would love to collaborate with”? His reply: “Madonna. Not only for her talent across genres but for her musical success throughout the decades. (We made sure to remind him of her notorious reputation for her onstage kisses, if that collabo was to ever happen). Can’t get enough of Danny Avila? I have three words…Vegas! Vegas! Vegas!

Here’s Danny’s Tour schedule

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Written by FestPop Staff Writer

Priscilla Elizabeth Linares

Email comments to: [email protected]

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