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Ellen Allien Releases New Solo Album ‘Alientronic’ on May 17th!

The BPitch Control founder Ellen Allien has released a new single “Stimulation” in anticipation of her new album “Alientronic” which is set to release on May 17th. The Berlin-based DJ has started a movement by hosting a bi-monthly party series called  ‘We Are Not Alone’ at Griessmühle in her beloved town that will tour in other cities around the globe too. Between the busy tour stops, managing a record label and her own production, Ellen Allien is now ready to release her eighth solo album that is deeply rooted in her love for techno and the winter in Berlin.

Alientronic” is a product of Ellen hibernating during the cold winter months in Berlin, as it was recorded towards the end of 2018. It explores the different sounds of techno and acid house, with warped elements and looped vocals. The album has a vision for the past while looking forward to the future.

The new single “Stimulation” has a 90’s industrial sound, layered with eerie synths and glitchy vocals that take the listener on a galactic journey to another dimension. The dynamics in this track add depth with the soft synths and an edgy beat.

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