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Should I Stay or Should I Go: How Music Festivals Have Changed In 2020

Decadence 2019 Tchami-X-Malaa
How Music Festivals Have Changed In 2020

No one had ever imagined that the year 2020 will look like this. It took everyone by surprise and, sadly, it affected the quality of life of so many people. There are many businesses and industries that depend on customers, fans, and a lot of people to be part of their events to survive. Which is no longer allowed. 

The music industry is one of the most affected by COVID-19 pandemic. Music festival organizers were forced to postpone or cancel music festivals that were planned to take place this year. The truth is, no one knows how everything will evolve, and when large gatherings such as music festivals will be allowed again. 

However, both cancelation and postponement of music festivals come with challenges. So, some of the organizers came up with new and fresh ideas that allow people to remember how it is like to be a festival-goer. 

Virtual Music Festivals 

According to Assignment Masters from uk dissertation, more and more music festival organizers have shifted their festival online. The year 2020 marked the rise of virtual music festivals and it surely is only the beginning. Attending a virtual festival does not compare with a live one. You do not have goosebumps, you do not hear the crowd singing, you do not dance with a lot of people. Things are different, but participating in a virtual music festival is a way to support this industry. 

Musicians, artists, and music festival organizers are affected by this year. So, virtual music festivals are the new trend and solution to help the industry survive. The atmosphere and vibe are not the same, but a virtual music festival comes with benefits too. 

Incredible Graphics 

Festival-goers can no longer take part physically at music festivals, so there must be other things that could attract them. Virtual music festivals have invested a lot of resources into building and designing the best graphics. Everything seems so real and the colors and effects are incredible. If you happen to have a large screen at your home or a video projector, you can observe all the details. 

Take for example the Tomorrowland festival that had its first virtual edition this year. You could hear the crowd and be transported to Belgium in an instant. Katy Perry appeared singing in a hot balloon, something that was difficult to obtain at a live music festival. But virtual music festival organizers have now more freedom to unleash their creativity and fantasies. 

All concerts are filmed in a green setting and the background and graphic effects are added afterward. But technology has the power to help you enjoy music. 

VR Festivals 

Some festivals have organized an online edition where they invited artists to sing or play their mixes. But some have created Virtual Reality Festivals. You do not simply watch a video on your screen or TV, but you feel that you are there. 

Virtual Reality turns out to be a great tool that could save the industry of music festivals. Festival lovers can buy tickets and get first-row experiences of their favorite bands. All they need is VR equipment, such as headphones and VR glasses. You are at home, but you feel like you are in the first row. Thanks to all the technological advancements, music festivals have taken a step further and improved the experience of their fans when attending virtual music festivals. 

Hybrid Festivals 

Some small festivals in the UK postponed the events until October or November this year. Nothing is certain, but the industry hopes it will manage to survive these difficult times. Hybrid festivals include virtual and live participation. All the physical distancing measures are respected and, of course, tickets for live participation are limited. 

So, if you are eager to take part in a live festival, some are organized in the hybrid form. But if you feel safer at your home, there is always this option. 

How Will Everything Evolve? 

We all want to return to life before this pandemic, but unfortunately never will be the same. Some big festival editions were canceled. Others are postponed to 2021, and artists alike are eager to return to concerts. In the next period, we will see the rise of virtual festivals. 

The most unfortunate ones are small and local festivals that do not have so many funds to survive this crisis. Besides, there is a problem with refunds, as the money obtained from tickets was invested in the festival, say experts from dissertation help and assignment writing

We depend on how the world pandemic evolves, so nothing is certain. But until music festivals will be allowed again, virtual ones can create the atmosphere we all yearn for. 

Author Bio: Michael Gorman is a highly skilled freelance writer and proofreader from the UK who currently works at assignment help australia, the best dissertation service. He is the leader of the team which offers the best essay writing service on music topics. Being interested in everyday development, he writes various blog posts and discovers new aspects of human existence every day.