Interview: A Hundred Drums “Notice how when you leave a dance floor you feel better, refreshed, and happy even. That is the magic behind aligning heartbeats.’

Deep in the woods, intertwined with the sounds of nature and all of its beauty, comes this California based artist. A Hundred Drums, who is known for her multi-instrumental sound, is making her Canadian debut next weekend at Future Forest Festival. Weaving the captured sounds of nature with the true essence of deep dubstep music, she will take listeners on a spiritual journey through her beautifully curated set. Future Forest Festival is known for its variety of artistic displays, talented musical line-up and beautiful campgrounds nestled in the forests of New Brunswick, Canada. This year will mark the 7th anniversary of the festival, and will take place on July 26-29th, featuring headliners Justin Martin, Ardalan, Kenny Glasgow, Stickybuds + many more. We had a chance to speak with A Hundred Drums, ahead of her performance next weekend and here is what she had to say…

Your music inspirations range from Beethoven to The Beatles and everything in between. Describe how you’ve derived your own sound from those of your musical inspirations.

Personally, I don’t think of my inspirations as a feed to my creation. I look up to them based on their accomplishments, the way their music moves me, how it makes me feel. I see all that as examples of how music should affect people. How it should move people, how it should inflect feelings. I feel if I tried to sound like my inspirations, then how would that make me different?

The meaning of ‘A Hundred Drums’ is best defined as ‘collective heart beats.’ Tell us about your intentions of aligning heartbeats on the dance floor, how do you do this through your music?

Well, it’s not exactly how I do it. It happens on our own. When we allow it. Historically, our ancestors gathered to dance around the fire. They danced to banish all energy that did not serve them. In doing so, dancing to the drums would automatically align their heartbeats. Making everyone’s heart beat in sync. Making us all, connected. In that moment, we are all connected. To me, that is my intention with A Hundred Drums. Connecting us all. It is one of the greatest human feelings along with banishing all negative thoughts and energy we may carry. Notice how when you leave a dance floor you feel better, refreshed, and happy even. That is the magic behind aligning heartbeats.

Your sound is described as multi-instrumental bass music. What is your process in mixing the different instruments and sounds into one when producing new music? How do you incorporate the sounds of nature into your songs?

My music is described as multi-instrumental because I do my best to always incorporate many instruments. Especially, as many different drums as possible. Because each track I produce is so different, I have a different process with each one. It’s hard to pin point what my exact process is, because that usually depends on what instruments I’m recording, when, where, how. So many variables to consider.

As for incorporating nature, that is fairly simple. I often go on nature hikes at home or when I travel and I capture the sounds with my iPhone. The recorder on the Apple iPhone is really good so I’ve been able to minimize taking a bigger recorder such as the Zoom. Great field recorder but, the iPhone is really good in my opinion. 

“It is one of the greatest human feelings along with banishing all negative thoughts and energy we may carry. Notice how when you leave a dance floor you feel better, refreshed, and happy even. That is the magic behind aligning heartbeats.”

Every artist has a message they try to get across to their listeners through their music. What do you believe your message is? How do you illustrate it in your sound?

I’m just going to say, this circles back to my intentions with my music. Aligning heartbeats. The point, or message, if you will, is to bring togetherness.

Your performance this year at Future Forest Festival will be a special one, as it is your Canadian debut. Describe the feeling before playing in a Country you haven’t performed in before? What have you heard about Canadian festivals in the past?

It will be a special one indeed, as I have been working real hard on creating something unique for this experience. I am working on a few new tracks JUST for this festival and I plan to align so many heartbeats.

The feeling I have as of now is “focused” feeling. I am focused on making this a journey for everyone to remember. My excitement usually doesn’t kick in until I am on stage, gear is set up, and line check has been done, then BAM! I am excited and ready for action.

 As for what I have heard about Canadian Festivals, I’ve heard nothing but amazing things. It has been said to me many times, that I should get out that way and boy let me tell you, I am so honoured to be making my debut at Future Forest! Cheers.

Be sure to catch A Hundred Drums playing on Saturday July 27th, at Future Forest Festival. Tickets are still available for purchase here. For all of the latest updates on Future Forest Festival, RSVP for the Facebook event through this link.

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