Electric Island Artist Spotlight: Aleksandar Kojic

Photo by Ded Agency

Aleksandar Kojic was exposed to the multicultural flavours and metropolitan ideals of Toronto from a very young age. Classically trained on the piano, his career as a DJ started and thrived from the dance floor. Throughout the years, Aleks’s sound has explored the deeper spectrums of electronic music, granting him the opportunity to play alongside countless industry moguls. On Sunday, September 2 head over to the Moog Audio Stage at Electric Island to groove in his palm! Let’s take a quick peek into Aleks’s music world before the party starts.

When was the moment that you fell in love with electronic music? What was the ‘Ah Ha’ moment?

At 16 years old when I went out to my first all ages club. While inside, I was mesmerized by how the music was blended together between one song and the next. I thought to myself “this is what I would like to do.” Funny part about this story was my father insisted on going with me and inspected the club before I went in! True story.

As a classical trained pianist, how does that experience help you with the production of electronic music?

It definitely helps me in composing melodies and keeping things in key. During my testing at Royal Conservatory I always excelled at the listening and playback tests. However, because of this and the fact that I am a little bit OCD, it can sometimes hinder my creativity.

What can Electric Islanders expect from you at your performance this Labour Day?

I will be most likely playing an earlier set during the day, so expect a slower tempo and some groovy/spacey tunes gradually building up to the next DJ after me. I am also bringing a couple of records with me for this show, as I have been recently collecting more vinyl.

You’ve released several tracks with different labels, can you share with us your top 3 favourite tracks you’ve released?

When You Speak” was the most enjoyable one I’ve made. I recorded some goofy vocal snippets and kept the percussion snappy just how I like it. Fun fact: (shaker was a salt shaker).

My second favourite is definitely “Tranquil” . When I worked on this one with Alberto, we never started out with the idea to make a 12 min track. We just kept the track progressing and kept it slow and gradual. We thought it was perfect with the way it came out!

Lastly, as you can tell I really like melodies and on this one Alberto and I really threw in a lot of layers. Love how everything weaves in and out on this one.

Catch Aleksandar Kojic at Electric Island on Sunday, September 2. Grab your tickets here.

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