Interview: Into the Life of NYC’s Avision

New York native, Anthony Cardinale, has been catching the eyes of many techno tastemakers under his alias, AvisionAfter rolling out his latest EP, Clips – Fest Pop got together with Avision himself, to find out a bit more about the man behind the decks. Here’s the low-down on how it all started, a little advice from a pro and a sneak peek of what’s to come.

Fest Pop: You started spinning when you were just 12 years old! How did you first decide you loved electronic music?

Avision: I truthfully never decided I loved electronic music, I grew up listening to dance/electronic music. My family is very into disco, 90’s and early 2000’s house. It was kind of natural to jump on and play what I knew.

FP: What drew you to techno in particular? Who would you name as some of your major influences?

A: When I was 16 I decided to go to Electric Zoo, this moment was a very big moment for me as I experienced a whole different level of the DJ world. I stayed at the Sunday School Grove tent where I heard Victor Calderone for the first time. His set really inspired me to start getting into techno, and at the time I was more into house. I remember going home and digging for hours finding new techno that I couldn’t get enough of, and I was hooked since that day. Since then he’s been my mentor, and I have so much to thank him for. I’ve learned a ton from him, and I am always blessed for the opportunities he’s opened for me. I’ve also been inspired by guys like Ben Sims, Deetron, Robert Hood, Dennis Ferrer, Ben Klock, Marcel Dettmann, and lastly Carl Cox.

FP: Your Clips EP, like your other releases, is already seeing a lot of play time. How does it feel to have received support from such huge names in techno like Nicole Moudaber, Chris Liebing and Pan Pot (among a ton of others)?

A: The support has been unreal, seeing such big DJ’s play my record in front of thousands of people is a dream come true. When I’m in the studio I am always thinking how the record will work on the dance floor whether it be for thousands of people, or only 300. It’s always a proud moment when you see others playing and enjoying your music, I’ll forever be proud of that.

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FP: To make such a big name for yourself at such a young age is quite the feat – what advice can you offer up and coming artists?

A: Constantly work hard on your craft. I work on my music every day if I can. Some days aren’t fit for it but, I make sure at least 5 days of the week I’m making, or touching up my music. The second piece of advice I can give is to always stay humble and to never burn bridges. I think a lot of artists when they start to get to a certain point lose the true person they really are. It’s important to stay grounded, and when humble you are more genuine, and more of a “real” deal when you’re at a certain level and can still be the same person. The third piece of advice I can give to someone is to work in the scene, but don’t become the scene. You are there to work, and be professional, have fun but don’t become the person who gets carried out. The last piece of advice I can give is to focus on yourself, and no one else. Don’t look at what other people are doing, just work harder than the next person, and prove yourself with the work you put out.

FP: 2017 was a huge year for you! What are some goals you have for 2018?

A: Thank you! For this year the goal is to put out a full catalogue of music. I want to have 5 EP’s out this year, and for the most part, they are all ready to go. We are still shopping a few but, at least 3 are all set and ready! The goal for myself every year is to always do more and to do better than the year before. So far, it looks like we are on track. 😉

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