Elephante Takes Over Electric Zoo: The 6th Boro

Elephante Electric Zoo

Electric Zoo: The 6th Boro was an insane weekend for guests. The festival brought in some of the world’s most famous EDM DJs to New York’s Randall’s Island while offering breathtaking views of the Big Apple skyline. There is no doubt Electric Zoo was one of the best festivals of the Summer. From closing acts such as DJ Snake and the final act of the weekend, Deadmau5, festival-goers got the chance to vibe out with friends or head bang to their favorite trap artist.

This year, FestPop got the opportunity to interview the one and only, Elephante. Elephante, whose real name is Tim Wu, killed his first year at Electric Zoo. There was no doubt performing on the Main Stage was quite the first experience, let alone underneath a huge elephant structure. Elephante is an inspiration to DJs striving to become known in the EDM world. He left everything he had because he knew what he wanted to do was produce music. We got the chance to ask more questions about his personal experiences and how he got to where he is now. Check it out below:

Elephante and FestPop

We were both at Moonrise and we did see you at the Celestrial stage. How was that?

  • That was awesome. That was crazy. That stage was one them that was just madness. It was one of the smaller stages but it was like so packed and you couldn’t see how far the crowd was going. There is such an energy there and because the night before it rained, people were like a little frustrated. It was just crazy packed.

How was performing at Electric Zoo in the Big Apple?

  • It was insane. Ezoo is one of those festivals I have always wanted to play and I played my first time on the main stage under a fucking elephant.

Can you tell us a little about Elephante and where the name came from?

  • Yeah, the name Elephante is a reference to the phrase “Elephant in the room.” Elephant in the room is that i once had a job that i was very unhappy there and all I wanted to do was make music so it’s about quitting that job and becoming the Elephante.

What was the turning point where you realized you didn’t want to do what you were doing and you wanted to be a producer?

  • You know I made music my whole life. It was something I always dreamed of doing. Just being a young asian boy, its like that’s not a thing you do. Like growing up, thats not even an option or even in the realm of possibility that this is something you can actually do. I was leaving work early and staying in on weekends, its like I never saw my friends. All i was doing in my free time was working on music and so it just got to the point where i was so unhappy and I just saw myself 15-20 years down the line just hating myself. I knew that if I just didn’t go for it I would never be myself. I would never be happy. I was like this is just something I have to do and ill try it and if i fail well then at least i knew i tried.

Some people who are unhappy with what they are doing and it is important to do something to love for the rest of your life so I applaud you because that can be a hard decision.

  • You know, it really wasnt for me. Its like this was something I have to do. It wasn’t like “Oh Man, its so hard like should I stay?” I was like no fuck this. I have had enough of this and I am going to go for it. It was just like this is what i am doing now.

When you were younger when you would throw tantrums, your mom would put on the Disney movie, Fantasia and it would calm you down. Can you tell us about that?

  • This is great. No one ever reads like about me before. But i dont really know. My mom just told me this and I didnt really connect it. Yeah, I had a brother who was about 5 years older so when i was 2 or 3 she would have this 8 year old running around and then im crying. She was like dude i dont have time for this and for some reason Fantasia stuck with me. Whenever I would be crying or whatever, she would just sit me down with Fantasia and I would be like alright, ahhh. I watched it again recently and it is really good. And there is deep seeded, like the broomstick one and Mickey is doing the water.. I was like scared.  It was terrifying as a child and it was like a scary wizard who is about to drown and then when i was watching it again i was having like PTSD. Its so trippy.

If you had to collaborate with one artist who would it be?

  • Thats hard. I mean if i had to pick one I would probably pick someone like Frank Ocean because he is so unique and he is very visionary of what he wants to do. Collabs are like an interesting thing to me because its like to me its more about chemistry you have together and not necessarily of who they are. I have friends who I love their music and i respect them, but could never collaborate with them. I am phsyco freak about my music. The dynamic has to be right.

What about a collaboration with a DJ or Producer?

  • Again, it is just who you have chemistry with. There are people I respect and love you know and enjoy learning from. I look at all my songs like they my kids. They have to be exactly how i want them. I dont know, maybe Porter Robinson or Skrillex? They are so talented.

Besides your dream collaboration, what would be your dream festival to perform at?

  • I dont know. I mean there are so many and Ezoo is on that list. It has to be a different one know. Coachella is really special to my heart. That was one of first real festivals i have ever been too and i saw Kasade there. That was the show that made me realize this is what i want to do. That will always have a special place in my heart. I was just making music for fun at the time.

The year is slowly coming to an end, is there anything fans can look forward to in 2018?

  • I am on tour right now. The tour is called Animals wanted and we are about 4 or 5 weeks in right now. I am working on new music. There is a new single I tried putting out today and I am pretty excited about. I put together a new EP for hopefully early next year. New project coming real soon.

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Elephante is currently on his Animals Wanted Tour this Fall throughout the United States. Check out his tour page to find a date closest to you and get the chance to see the one and only, Elephante, live in concert.

Elephante Electric Zoo

Check out Elephante’s Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to keep up with tour dates and additional announcements!


FestPop Staff Writer, Katy Loesch

FestPop Staff Writer, Katherine Bennett




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