FestPop Interview with Kevin Lyman Founder of the Vans Warp Tour

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Kevin Lyman is the founder and operator of 4Fini, Inc., a live event production company and brand strategy firm. His most notable live production is the Vans Warped Tour, which attracts about 750,000 people annually and is the longest-running North American festival concert tour.

The Vans Warped Tour is a traveling rock festival that has toured the United States (including 3 or 4 stops in Canada) annually each summer since 1995. It is the largest traveling music festival in the United States, and the longest-running touring music festival in North America. The first Warped Tour took place in 1995, and the skateboard shoe manufacturer Vans became the main sponsor of the tour starting with the second tour in 1996, when it became known as the Vans Warped Tour.Alt hough Vans has continued to be the main sponsor and lend its name to the festival, other sponsors have also participated, with stages or other aspects of the festival sometimes being named after them.

Warped Tour was conceived in 1995 as an eclectic alternative rock festival, but in 1996 began focusing on punk rock music. Although it has continued to be known primarily as a punk rock festival, it has included acts of diverse genres over the years, including hip hop artists starting in 1999.

Scotty Moore, Founder of FestPop

Scotty Moore, Founder of FestPop

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