Hailing from Brooklyn, NYC DJ/producer DESNA has been staying busy in her home studio, with new productions, live streams and connecting with her fans online. Her latest summer EP Frou Frou dropped last week on Simina Grigoriu’s KuuKou Records, with three fiery techno anthems, including a special remix from Simina herself. The techno maven has been setting the tone this 2020 with her unparalleled releases. During these strange times, new music is on the horizon now more than ever… But first we caught up with DESNA about the new EP, her new apple farm, and what she’s been up to during this lockdown.
Much has changed since the last time we spoke. The world is a different place now. What reflections have you had during this time? Any words of encouragement or inspiration you’d like to share?
Music has changed in the sense that the scene is now purely for listening and not so much partying. I’ve learned to be flexible with uncertainty and that sudden change is possible at any time. I’ve realized a lot about myself and the human spirit. We are far more adaptable than we seem right? I was really bummed with being quarantined at first and of course a bit scared. Once I made the decision to focus and create, my attitude also shifted to a positive outlook. I think it’s a great time to explore and experiment with your music. Make some ambient/experimental/funky stuff.
“Music has changed in the sense that the scene is now purely for listening and not so much partying.”

Your new EP ‘Frou Frou’ was just released on August 14th on KuuKou Records – tell us more about ‘Frou Frou,’ and when did you produce this?
I made Frou Frou last Summer. I was trying to change my sound and direction a bit and felt inspired by a lot of Truncate’s production. He has this housey, fast techno groove on a lot of his tracks. I slowed Frou Frou down to 127bpm to automatically give it my own vibe since everyone else seems to be in the 130-135 range lately. I wanted to make a track that had soul with heavy bass and a surprising rhythmic drop. I have since been recycling those chords I used in Frou Frou for my other tracks to keep a noticeable component.
Many of us have picked up some new interests and skills since the pandemic began. Have you acquired any new skills or hobbies?
Well…. I bought an apple farm in all of this. I think owning land and knowing how to grow your own food may have more and more importance as the world feels uncertain. I have no idea what I am doing but it’s 8.8 acres of apple trees so I’d better learn lol. Who knows, next year when we sit down, you may be asking me about my apple cider business haha.
The past few months have left many of us in self isolation, with artists streaming from their homes. If you could play back to back with any artist in the world right now, who would it be and why?
OHHH this is a fun question! I think b2b from home would be quite interesting. There are a slew of people I admire but from a fun, entertaining perspective I’d say Eats Everything, Truncate, or Simina Grigoriu. Fjakk boys are fun too. One of those (: