Interview with Mako at Sunset Music Festival

Mako recently performed at Sunset Music Festival in Tampa, Florida. They have been heating up with their track ““I Won’t Let You Walk Away,” a new track featuring Island Records recording artist Madison Beer.
Next, they will be performing at Electric Forest, Red Rocks in Colorado and Lollapalooza. We hope you enjoy their music as much as we do!

Check out our exclusive interview with the up and coming electronic music production Duo, Mako.

Who are your top 5 favorite artists who have influenced you most?

Logan Light: Radiohead, Daft Punk – Those two are in a league of their own. I love Pink Floyd, Arcade Fire, and Prince as well.

What inspires you through music?

Alex Seaver: the great thing about doing this is that inspiration can come from anywhere: an experience, a memory, a film, a thought, or other music.  Mostly saying that because our music has sprung from all of those kinds of things separately, and you never quite know when or where to expect getting ‘hit’ and inspired.

If you could invite anyone to dinner, who would you invite?

Logan Light: Has to be Thom Yorke. Everything he’s done musically is so unique and powerful. Would just love to hang with him for a cool casual dinner.

What is your favorite thing to do when you aren’t working on music?

Logan Light: We LOVE to mini golf.


What makes you happy?

Alex Seaver: Making beautiful music =)

Can you tell us about one of the most memorable moments in your music career?

Logan Light: Playing Coachella for me was a full circle moment. From the festival inspiring me to get into the music to being able to play it 8 years later was really special for me. We had an amazing crowd and coming from LA, we had a lot of friends and family who were there to support us too.

What made you fall in love with music?

Alex Seaver: My two ‘started it all’ moments were watching our local youth symphony in San Diego perform a piece by Rimsky-Korsakov called Scheherazade. I was in the junior orchestra at the time and was so overwhelmed by the depth, beauty, and imagination of the piece that I ran home to download it and play it over and over again.  The second event was ordering Howard Shore’s score for Lord Of The Rings, another CD I wore out over time.

What is your process in the studio to write music and what DAW do you use?

Alex Seaver: We work on Logic and our process usually looks like ‘real music’ until we discover the heart of a song and then shift into production.  Lots of great writing sessions and jamming on instruments, and then too much sitting in a chair designing sounds on the computer.  Phase 2 is where you can expect me to drive myself a little crazy.

Can you tell us about some of the lyrics in your songs and what they mean to you?

Alex Seaver: This is a lovely question, for whatever reason, I’ve never been too eager to declare what some of our more personal songs are about…its one of the greatest experiences to pour a piece of yourself into a song – and we’re very happy to pen everything ourselves for that added touch of personalization, but the moment it hits someone else’s ears I like to fantasize that it takes its own
shape in their imagination, finds a way to mean something unique and helpful to someone however they’d love to hear it.  Probably a lame answer haha, I think it’s because I love enjoying other Artist’s lyrics in my own little way.

If this were your last show, what message would you send to the world?

Alex Seaver: I don’t know so much about a message, but I’d love for it to be a sincerely beautiful show that touched everyone with the kind of intimacy and sense of storytelling that we try to put into our work.

What is your favorite festival you have played at?

Logan Light: Coachella was the most meaningful being close to home. I have a special place in my heart for EDC and Lollapalooza too. The first show I ever DJ’ed prior to Mako was actually at a festival called Rothbury, which has now become Electric Forest. That is truly incredible and unique festival.

If you could play anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Logan Light: My brother lived in Tokyo and I got to visit him there. I think I would have to say there.

By Festpop Staff Writer: Suzanne Ledford

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