Interview: Inside the Making of Night Vision Music’s 5 Year EP

Canadian underground house imprint Night Vision Music celebrated years of hard work and success by releasing their Night Vision – 5 Years EP back in March, a collection which featured five new tracks from its most beloved in-house producers. Now months after the release, we’ve finally got the inside scoop on what went into the making of this commemorative EP. Here’s what Night Vision Music had to say…

Fest Pop: Congratulations on your five year anniversary! There have been numerous successful releases throughout the years. How long did this collaborative EP take to perfect before the release?

Night Vision Music: Thank you Fest Pop! We originally conceptualized the 5 Year Anniversary EP in October of 2017, and went back and forth on a bunch of tracks and ideas until the end of January (a long and painful process to choose just five!). In January our final masters were due and we started sending out the demos to DJs and Press. The whole thing came out March 16th, so about 5 months in total.

FP: You’ve got a great team of producers connected to the Night Vision name. How did you decide who would be featured on the EP?

NVM: Well, the whole concept of this release was really about celebrating how far we’ve all come as producers, so we sourced all 5 tracks from our own internal crew. Everyone is the release is a member of the Night Vision collective. The idea was to celebrate 5 years by releasing 5 brand new tracks from members of our crew. Everyone from our crew who has been producing lately submitted tracks to be considered, and then we all voted together on our 5 favourite ones out of a pool of around 20. So these represent the breadth of our musical interests and we think they’re pretty damn good!

FP: How have the past five years rolled out compared to your vision when first starting up the label?

NVM: Things have gone super well, to be honest! We really didn’t have many expectations of the label when we started. It was mostly just an outlet for us to put our own music out there. But we take it a lot more seriously nowadays, and have hit a lot of great milestones recently, like getting premieres from Mixmag, Deep House Amsterdam, and Pete Tong, or having our music played out by greats like Jamie Jones, Skream, Shadow Child, or Groove Armada.

FP: If you could go back five years ago and give yourself a piece of advice about running a label, what would it be?

NVM: Definitely quality over quantity. In our minds, it’s much more effective to only have like 3-5 releases per year that are all dynamite and have a lot of money backing them than it is to split your time and budget over 10 or 20 release per year. Also if you’re ever looking to release on vinyl, get started on that process as early as possible, because it takes a super long time to get it going and pressed when you’re first starting up.

FP: Where do you see Night Vision Music going within the next five years?

NVM: Really wish we had a crystal ball! It’s tough to say what we can accomplish in 5 years, but the sky’s the limit really. Most of our focus nowadays is on getting attention outside of our regular sphere. So getting more and more traction outside of Western Canada is always really exciting. We’re hoping to continue on with a lot of releases from Western Canadian artists, and commission a lot more remixes and hopefully full release from our favourite up and coming producers from around the world.

If you haven’t already, check out the 5 Year Anniversary EP here:

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