Interview: A Techno Tour with Stefano Noferini

From Miami to LA, Deeperfect label boss Stefano Noferini took North America by storm on his 2018 tour, playing venues such as the Resistance Spider stage at Ultra Music Festival, Output nightclub in Brooklyn and a rooftop session at Public Bar in Washington, DC just to name a few. From March 21- April 1, Italian tastemaker blessed dance floors, taking fans on an unforgettable journey by means of music. We were lucky enough to touch base with the man himself, from playing up in the sky to the energy of the crowd on the ground, here are his thoughts about the North American 2018 tour.

Fest Pop: As an international legend in the music industry, you’ve had the opportunity to perform all around the world. You’ve just finished your North American tour, how would you compare the crowds in the USA to those from other parts of the world?

Stefano Noferini: Each country is different, South America, for example, is very similar to Europe. North and Centro America are little bit different but in some cities, the crowd is very enthusiastic and with a remarkable music knowledge. For example, the crowd at Resistance Miami is getting more underground now, and of course, playing at Output Brooklyn was very intense, as it pulls a very good underground crowd.

FP: You played alongside many artists throughout this tour. Who did you most enjoy sharing the decks with?

SN: Yes, I was lucky enough to share the stage with some great artists, and also with some good friends like Luigi Madonna, also there’s always good times with Technasia or Carlo Lio. I have a good friendship with them and also big respect as an artist.

FP: With festival season kicking-off in North America, what would you say are your top three go-to tracks to play at an outdoor event?

SN: X-press 2 – ‘London Xpress’   

Mihai Popoviciou – ‘Fiction’

Stefano Noferini – ‘Timisoara’

FP: What was it like playing at Ultra Music Festival Miami in the Resistance Arcadia Spider? You were so high up above a sea of people, could you still feel the energy or was it as if you were in your own little world?

SN: It is true, you are very high above the crowd but it’s still very intense. The Arcadia Spider is simply one of the most spectacular stages I have ever played. It’s unique and you can´t really explain it, you have to be there. And somehow the connection with the crowd is such that you feel that you are very close to them, you feel a good connection.

FP: Your label Deeperfect has become a big part of your identity. When people come to your show, what is one thing you hope they are able to take away from the Deeperfect experience?

SN: Deeperfect and now also DPE-the new label, are part of my musical life as well as my radio show Club Edition that last year reached more than 2 million plays. When we throw a Deeperfect show, you can find all of this and for me, it’s also a way to find ideas for my productions, it’s like giving and receiving.

Those of you that missed the tour can listen to his latest Club Edition live from Chile:

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