White Light: ‘I am focused on the why first, which is to help people find their ‘light.’

Photo by: Quin Hauck/SAIT

Hailing from Alberta, Canada, we introduce to you White Light. An up-and-coming new talent who is sure to take you through a musical journey with his futuristic head piece and up-lifting productions. 

Partnering up with singer-songwriter Avelyn, the pair have produced something that can only be described as a “summer anthem.” On July 9, 2018 “Ghost” will give dance music fans a new reason to dance and sing out loud. Listen in delight, as the sounds of 80’s analog synth, modern dance music and bone-chilling vocals come together in one euphoric arrangement. We caught up with White Light to find out a bit more about the Canadian bred artist.

We see that you’re about to release your next single ‘Ghost’ ut on Artist Intelligence Agency.’ How did this release come about? What was the process? 

Initially once we finished the song, I was sitting on it for about a month, and one day I decided to send it out to a few labels, just hoping for some feedback. I woke up one day to an email saying ‘we would love to sign this track’ and I was blown away. My expectations of ever having a song signed were none existent, so I was quite thrilled. It took about a month to officially sign contracts with very tedious back and forth emails.

Can you tell us a bit about your origin? Who is White Light?  

Great question! White Light is an artist from Calgary who grew up in a small- town environment and mindset, who never really felt like he fit in. So, when I was 13 and I discovered electronic dance music, I fell in love and knew this was an unusual path I could follow. White Light is just an individual who is trying to help others find what gives them hope and inspiration. 

 Your tagline is ‘Follow the light.’ Tell us more about the impact you desire to have through your music? 

Through my music, I want to impact people in a non-traditional way. I feel like in the music industry right now, everyone is so focused on themselves, and hoping that their fans idolize them which will create impact. But for me, I am focused on the why first, which is to help people find their ‘light.’ So, both on and offstage, I want to take the time to truly connect with my fans and help them not only through my music and my fancy social media, but just authentically caring about everyone’s individual needs. This journey is not about me, it is about everyone else who is helping me build White Light.

What’s it like to experience White Light live? What can guests expect from your performances?

Imagine you are travelling through space, in the future but you’re stuck in the 80’s… that is the White Light experience. I try to incorporate futuristic visuals, which play along with my lit-up mask, with a goal of making my visuals the best in the game. My sets are really high energy, I play a lot of old school mashups, and love connecting with my audience. I also play live electronic drums, and sample some of my music live.

What’s the music scene like out in Alberta, Calgary Canada? 

The music scene in Calgary is very different than the rest of Canada. Since Calgary is home to the Stampede, there is a ton of Country music influence, which makes it hard to be an EDM artist. Pretty soon though, I will be moving to Vancouver, which should help expand the White Light brand.


Follow White Light on Facebook / Instagram 

Photo by Quin Hauck/SAIT

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