Lee Burridge’s All Day I Dream : ‘A Summer of Love’ World Tour Announced

Lee Burridge’s roving open-air soirée, All Day I Dream, today announced its 2017 World Tour. Dubbed, All Day I Dream: A Summer of Love, its ethos will continue to spread that very feeling out across the planet, connecting Dreamers along the way with its unique vibe and feeling.

In an array of iconic settings, All Day I Dream’s recognizable decor and artistic structures play their own part, complementing the music while enveloping and enchanting the crowds of international musical nomads, artisans and adventurers. Each play their own part in creating one of the world’s most unique and exciting parties. Lee will be joined this Summer by many of his superlative label’s artists. Each weaving a part of the day’s story through their own musical mastery.

As might be imagined, the tour offers up a venerable collection of destinations and venues. Highlights include a run of North American shows including Summer residencies in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco while Chicago, San Diego, Montreal and Toronto play host to solo events. Festival appearances at Belgium’s Tomorrowland, Romania’s Sunwaves, and Barcelona’s La Terrazza during Off Sonar week are complemented by events in Budapest, Amsterdam and many more. And as the sun sets on summertime in these locations, the tour continues until the end of the year, chasing the sunshine in Brazil, Dubai, as well as Miami during Art Basel. These shows will be supported by All Day I Dream’s official beer partner, Sapporo.

In Lee Burridge’s own words on the World Tour, “music is one of the greatest escapes for me. It connects those who are open minded to life and the lives of others. It’s a language we can all understand and meet within to share experiences. The ability to take All Day I Dream out across the world again this Summer is a privilege and I’m really looking forward to sharing a thousand beautiful moments with friends, friends to be and total strangers. This is set to be an amazing year for us all. I’m looking forward to playing plenty of the parties with Lost Desert who I’ve been working with during Winter time.”

In anticipation of the tour, All Day I Dream has announced its ‘Summer Sampler 2017’ compilation set to be released on June 16th. This stellar collection of seven hand picked tracks will undoubtedly soundtrack many in and outdoor dance floor moments over the next few months, offering an all-encompassing bridge between the label and iconic parties. Today, Dreamers may have a first listen to the compilation with PHCK’s ‘Death of a Butterfly’, a cinematic treat for the senses, which you can stream via the button above.

Entering its seventh year, All Day I Dream has gained cult-like status in North America and continues to spread its ethos around the globe, uniting a loyal, passionate community of dreamers in each of its carefully chosen locations. Extending far beyond the usual musical community it finds its way into the worlds of fashion, art, wellness and beyond.

The event’s contagious positivity seems to spread like wildfire between those in attendance, and represents a return to the simplest of things; broad smiles beaming from the faces of the beautiful souls who embrace the moment as well as this movement. A delightful and bewitching aural and visual treat for the senses.

More Info and Tickets to All Day I Dream: A Summer of Love World Tour:

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FestPop Sr. Staff Writer, Suzy Ledford

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