Jamie Jones announces the details for his world-renowned party: Paradise, special BPM edition!

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Jamie Jones has just announced the details of the BPM special edition of his world-renowned party, Paradise.

January 13th 2016 at Prolongación Juarez Parcela Ejidal, 5PM – 6AM

Spearheaded by the man himself, Paradise has become an international phenomenon after several successful seasons at Ibiza’s infamous DC-10.

Seeing pundits through the mammoth 13-hour special is a line-up of festival-sized proportions. Jamie will be joined by various leaders of house and techno, including his Hot Creations partner in crime Lee Foss, Viva label boss Steve Lawler, Music On and Paradise regular Joseph Capriati, the ever-popular Skream, Jey Kurmis, Dyed Soundorom and Cassy. There will also be live performances from Domino’s talented duo Bob Moses and Minus’s Irish techno talent Matador, whilst the trusty Paradise regulars will also be holding down the fort; Richy Ahmed, Patrick Topping, wAFF and Mark Jenkyns.

With so many huge names in one night, Paradise looks set to be one of the biggest parties of this year’s BPM!


Tickets available HERE

For more information on Paradise, please visit:

Website | Facebook

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Written By FestPop Staff Writer Kadie Murphy

Email Comments To: [email protected]

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