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On Friday January 15th, Octopus Recordings returns to La Santanera in Playa Del Carmen for their label showcase at The BPM Festival. Top Octopus, Sian, is thrilled and honoured to be returning to BPM, and is excited to showcase some fresh blood to the label on this lineup. Pleasurekraft, Oliver Huntemann, Justin James, Barbuto, Boryana, Weska and a live set from Julian Jeweil will fill the terrace with classic, modern techno.

Its been a big turning point for Octopus Recordings this year, welcoming a number of talented new artists to the label. Label boss Sian did a stacked 32 day North American album tour, held successful label parties at Miami Music Week and Movement Detroit, and launched a streetwear line with lifestyle brand Four Over Four. Octopus recordings continuously moves forward, while expanding their audience and growing the techno movement.

If you’re heading down to Playa Del Carmen for The BPM Festival, this is one event you won’t want to miss!Octopus

For More Information about Octopus Recordings and to see the showcase at BPM Festival:

Tickets | Facebook | Twitter | Website

Written By FestPop Staff Writer Kadie Murphy

Email Comments To: [email protected]

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