My Favorite Robot Records Celebrates 10 Years With International Label Showcases

The My Favorite Robot Records vision is simple. Ignore the norm and broaden the definition of electronic music in order to deliver it to as many music lovers as possible.


The Canadian imprint has been making their mark on the electronic music scene for a decade now. What began as a platform for bosses Jared Simms and Voytek Korab – better known as My Favorite Robot – turned into ten years of underground releases, marking the label as one of the most influential in the scene – H.O.S.H., Eric Volta and Clarian are just a few of the names to release records under the MFRR name.

my favorite robot

Jared Simms and Voytek Korab, aka My Favorite Robot.

In celebration of ten years of making the world dance, Simms and Korab are taking the label on the road for a series of showcases around the world, in some of the most dance-worthy locations. First up is Berlin on February 2, where My Favorite Robot, Kenny Glasgow and Skinnerbox will take on the infamous KaterBlau. Zurich gets the MFRR treatment on February 3, with MFR, Kenny and Ivan Smagghe. The crew embarks south to warmer climates in Dubai on March 1, where Chloe and Fairmont, two MFRR alumni, will join the label heads. On March 3, Beirut enjoys a stop, though the location and lineup hasn’t been confirmed just yet.

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Other confirmed spots for 2018 include Control Club [Bucharest], The Good Room [New York], Music is 4 Lovers [San Diego], The Egg [London], Riverside [Montreal], Summerdaze [Toronto] and Myth Nightclub [Jacksonville]. More dates have yet to be announced, but we are sure plenty of cities can be expecting a MFRR dance party soon.

Stay up to date with news from MFRR by following them on Facebook.

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