FestPop’s Best of BPM 2016

BPM - Pete Tong All Gone

The BPM Festival delivers a unique festival experience unparalleled by others. For some, the month of January calls for coats, gloves, and stocking up on lots of wine. However, for dance music lovers, the month holds entirely different sentiments, including those of excitement and anticipation as they prepare for BPM Festival. BPM takes place in the beautiful Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, just south of Cancun on Mexico’s Caribbean coast. Each year, the ten-day music festival draws a crowd of passionate fans, industry professionals, and world-renowned artists to the picturesque beach town where the party never stops. 2015 set the bar high, showcasing over 375 artists and boasting a crowd of over 60,000 attendees from all over the world.

However, this year’s ninth year anniversary was no different. Though the festival has managed to grow in popularity, it still maintains the intimacy that sets it apart from other large festivals. Once again, BPM kicked off festival season the right way this year–with continuous parties, both day and night, beginning January 8th and spanning through the 17th. The parties are typically held throughout a number of venues, this year, with a number of new venue additions–namely The Jungle,  located just 15 minutes from town. Lush greenery, fire dancers and various other nature-esque aspects of this additional venue perfectly complimented the intimate sets of Jamie Jones, Steve Lawler, and some of the other highly-anticipated acts that took the stage at the Ya’ah Muul parties which occurred during the opening and closing weekends of the festival.

Despite the festival’s inevitable growth since its 2008 emergence, BPM Festival continues to provide one of the most profound experiences for the devoted and die-hard underground dance music fans that assemble each year to witness it.

For those that couldn’t make it, check out some of the photos below from this year’s BPM madness:

(Photos: aLIVE Coverage for TheBPMFestival.com)


Written by FestPop Director of Social Media / Senior Editor

Courtney Young


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