My Favorite Robot Records Celebrates 10Yrs with 2018 Label Showcase Tour

My Favorite Robot

The masterminds behind the decks and driving forces behind their own label, My Favorite Robot are raising a glass to commemorate 10 years of My Favorite Robot Records. 2018 marked a decade of hard work for Toronto-based underground electronic music bosses Jared Simms and Voytek Korab

“It still amazes me every day that something we started without any grand expectations became such a globally respected brand and took us on such an amazing adventure in life. Very grateful to everyone involved in the last 10 years. Here’s to the next 10!” – Voytek Korab, MFR

With a steady flow of new music since last year’s Wants Some EP and January’s ‘Femur Loveseat’ track, April saw the release of ‘Pink Horror’ on My Favorite Robot Records. The 3 track EP features an original single, an immediately thoughtful track with sombre chords smeared over nimble, upbeat drums. The synths evolve into busier patterns, and breathy vocals add an air of detached ruefulness that marries with the driving kicks to carry you away into the night on an emotive groove.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=true&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]

Also featured are Scandinavian talent Jori Hulkkonen,with many releases of his own on My Favorite Records, and Entschuldigung, who offer their own take on the track through their character infused remixes.

And if that isn’t enough, My Favorite Robot is back at it again, ready to roll out a fresh EP ‘Mild Peril’ on Alfa Romero Recordings, May 4, 2018.

In honour of a decade of achievements, My Favorite Robot is ready to celebrate this milestone with fans around the globe as they embark on their 10 Years of My Favorite Robot Records Showcase Spring 2018 tour. The duo is set to tour from April 19- May 18, beginning at Monarch in San Francisco and will be joined on this leg of the tour, by French Producer Ivan Smagghe as they travel across Mexico and the United States.

If you’re looking to be a part of the celebrations, you can catch My Favorite Robot on tour the following dates:

April 19 – Monarch [San Francisco, CA]

April 20 – KIN KIN [Guadalajara, MEX]

April 21 – TOPAZdeluxe [Monterrey, MEX]

April 27 – Good Room [Brooklyn, NY]

April 28 – Secret Garden at Treehouse [Miami, FL]

April 29 – Hostel 3B [Playa Del Carmen, MEX]

May 12 – Enter the Dragon [Munich, GER]

May 12 – Groove Club [Mexicali, MEX]

May 15 – Techno Taco Tuesdays [Las Vegas, NV]

May 18 – Solset at Firehouse [San Diego, CA]

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