Artist to Watch: Micheal LeClerc

Hailing from Canada, this singer/songwriter gives off some serious Dave Matthews vibes.  Michael LeClerc has a sweet, lighthearted voice with just enough soul to categorize him as dreamy. Currently located in Southern California, LeClerc is quickly making a name for himself playing in wineries, clubs and songwriter showcases.

Early Stages

Playing music since the age of seven, LeClerc always knew this was the path he was meant to travel down, but it didn’t necessarily come easy.  Early jobs consisted of tobacco picking and working in a corn mill, which eventually lead to him pursuing a degree in Hospitality and Business Development.  But, with his wanderlust still strong, LeClerc moved to the Cayman Islands where his band, Smooth Bill opened for the top Canadian band, The Tragically Hip in front of several thousand people.

Producer, Jim Wirt

Teaming up with producer, Jim Wirt (Fiona Apple, Incubus, Hoobastank), to release his first solo EP in 2011, lead to local stations picking up his music-making headway to a three-month long tour of California.  His latest, a self-titled EP out in 2015, solidified his presence in the scene.  Since he was a featured performer in Renaissance Hotels’ RLife concert series as well as been compared to James Taylor and John Mayer.  (Biggest compliment, I think so!)

When he’s not touring, writing or keeping in touch with his growing fan base, Michael is an avid reader who loves trail walking and listening to music. LeClerc has a calming energy about him, that his voice makes you swoon and feel a little bit in love listening to his tracks.  He loves to connect with his ever-growing fan base, so make sure to check him out and follow him on his social channels:








FestPop Staff Writer, Ashley Siech

FestPop Staff Writer, Ashley Siech

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