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Hailing from Montreal, Canada, underground minimalist art-pop artist Marie Davidson has earned herself a fair share of whispers throughout the hidden networks of on-the-rise talent buzz. As she continues to make waves in 2015, Marie Davidson plans to release her third album, Un Autre Voyage (Another Journey), via Holodeck Records on April 14.


Photo Credit: Grandstand Media

Her timestamped sound and throwback aesthetic call on a kind of pop that resonates with the past but never truly went out of style. Her single from the album, “Balade Aux USA” was recently treated with a video and released on Noisey, who called her a “synthed out Serge Gainsbourg.” Watch and listen below:

Un Autre Voyage deals with the interpersonal relationships in Davidson’s life as an unfiltered self-account of her life events and the thoughts behind them. There’s a deep psychology in the music and is treated by the artist as a sort of spiritual cleansing, giving the audience a genuine reach into Davidson herself. The six-track LP is available to preorder through Holodeck.

More on the artist:

As a long-time member of Les Momies de Palerme, Hotel Monochrome, DKMD, and Essaie Pas, Marie has continued to hone her many talents in Montréal’s fervent experimental communities for much of her adult life. In 2012 Marie began to unveil compositions under her own name, revealing a solo artist who possessed the confident vulnerability required to write, produce, and perform unaccompanied. Davidson’s intimate solo work is embodied through a host of synthesizers and drum machines that coalesce in synchronized harmony, punctuated by Marie’s hypnotic vocal delivery, sung and spoken in both French and English.


Published by FestPop Senior Music Editor

Edward Heinrich

twitter: @eaheinrich

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