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Mr oizo

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Legendary French producer Mr. Oizo aka Quentin Dupieux returns with “Hand in the Fire” – a four-track EP featuring brash, heavy-hitting productions and a Charli XCX guest appearance – out now via Ed Banger / Because Music / Big Beat Records.  The new EP largely follows in the steps of Mr. Oizo’s acclaimed 2014 LP “The Church”  The title track shows off Mr. Oizo’s pop production chops, mixing a compelling vocal performance from British pop-smash Charli XCX, complete with an incredibly catchy hook, with a punk-inspired composition that transitions more towards trap by the end of the song.  On “Being Flat,” Mr. Oizo pares back the melody to only an ethereal bridge, otherwise pushing forward the fast-beating pulse and glitched-out pace that continues throughout. “A Rekurd” puts a tongue-in-cheek vocal sample over sirens, saw-like bass, and an eclectic drum kit, repeating the title over as tracks underneath tremor and quake. Mr. Oizo rounds out the EP with an instrumental mix of “Hand in the Fire.”

Mr Oizo “Hand In the Fire” EP (Ed Banger/Because Music/Big Beat Records)

1. Hand in the Fire (feat. Charli XCX)   2. Being Flat   3. A Rekurd   4. Hand in the Fire (Instrumental)

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Written By FestPop Staff Writer Kadie Murphy

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