Shift K3Y & Born Dirty Release “Misbehave,” Out On Dim Mak 6/29

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“Misbehave” is an upbeat club anthem perfect for summer DJ sets and will snuggle in nicely with tracks that are radio friendly, but still cool enough for the underground. If unfamiliar with Born Dirty, it is a project between super buzzy producers Son Of Kick and Linden Jay and only their second track to date. “Misbehave” will also be receiving a star studded remix package later in the summer.

The track will provide a nice tee up for Shift’s upcoming debut LP that will feature collaborations with Chaka Khan and Robin Thicke. Shift K3Y is proving himself as one of the most versatile producers in the game right now aiming at crossover success. Despite being only 22 years old, the vocalist, producer, DJ performer, and instrumentalist has a remarkable wisdom and knowledge on the history of music, and utilizes it by infusing old school flavor into this music.


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