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Transmit kicks of 2016 with 2 new releases from Harry Romero and Costantino Nappi & DJ Micky Da Funk! The BPM Festival is fast approaching, with our very own Transmit Showcase this Saturday January 9th, at La Santanera.

Harry Romero – Dub Poet
Release Date: January 11th, 2016

American star talent Harry Romero blasts his way back to Transmit Recordings with another incredible release. Dub Poet features percussion loaded techno, spreading over three magnificent interpretations of how drums and keys can integrate with each other. His own main mix is a playful application of effects on drums and cymbals, “flangering”, delaying and echoing them to other dimensions. His other mix focuses on a pure percussive play, demonstrating use of countless percussive elements together, like a drummer going wild at the end of a rock concert. Sean Collier’s remix emphasizes the synth and key elements, and it’s almost dreamy effect on a dance floor could be easily imagined to be any party’s highest peak.


Costantino Nappi , DJ Micky Da Funk – Tears Of Crocodile EP
Release date: January 25, 2016

Every perfect story begins with a proper introduction that puts you in the right mood, and ends with the kind of twist that leaves you there to think. This is also the case with Costantino Nappi and DJ Micky Da Funk’s powerful “Tears Of Crocodile” EP. Both tracks in this release share the same features: high energy, powerful cymbals and persuading synths. These elements, used at the right timing and with the perfect harmony, are the best recipe for a natural adrenalin for those moving on the dance floor. However, each track tells a different story. While “Tears Of Crocodile” is a scary, disturbing, tension loaded fairytale, “Parthenope” is a rhythmic dance between synthesizers and drums. Both tracks make “Tears Of Crocodile” EP an ultimate peak time must-have.


TRANSMIT RECORDINGS is a New York based techno label curated by Boris. The label showcases both well-established and up-and-coming artists from around the world. Transmit Recordings has featured artists such as Eric Sneo, Chus & Ceballos, ALX (Space, Miami), D-Unity, Harry Romero, Alberto Ruiz, Sean Collier, Ramiro Lopez, Roger Sanchez, Sabb, Oscar L, Anna, Yellowheads, Sinisia Tamamovic, Nathan Barato, The Junkies, Gaga, Arjun Vagale, Tony Dee, Richie Santana, Cocodrills, Peter Bailey and many more incredibley talented producers.

Harry Romero

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Costantino Nappi & DJ  Micky Da Funk

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Transmit Recordings

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Written By FestPop Staff Writer 

Kadie Murphy

Email Comments To: [email protected]

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