Paco Osuna’s Top 5 Tracks to Get You Pumped for elrow’art

For more than 20 years Paco Osuna has been contributing his mind-blowing music creativity to our ears. This year he will be blessing us with his presence in Miami on December 6th for elrow’art. Are you excited yet? If not check out the top 5 tracks, which I have hand selected and let your mind soar to the music. 

1. Let’s Dream  

This song definitely takes your mind on a different journey, but a very unexpected one to say the least. When we hear the word dream we subconsciously expect a light and “fluffy” set of sounds. Paco changes that by providing us a mix of transitions throughout this song that pushes out the “dream”ing but in a whole new light.  

2. Roger

Non stop body movement, Roger that! This song makes you want to move every part of your body. It brings the feeling of a beach dance party or a rise and shine kind of mood. I absolutely fell in love with it.  

3. Orbeat  

A Mr. Saxo-beat kind of song, the sound travels from one ear to the other taking your mind and body on a journey of dance and thought. This song is a combination of the moods described from the songs above. It provides sounds that get your mind running while your body cant stop moving.  

4. What That  

This song is what I like to call a “travel” song. It takes you to space but in a time long ago. Paco does an amazing job of never letting boredom be an expression that comes to mind when his music is running through your ears. In particular, this song makes you feel like you are dancing with the stars but not in our present day and time.  

5. Influence  

A little less full body movement with this one but a lot of dancing fingers. This song had my fingers tapping constantly on my desk, and that is what happens when a song triggers your brain in a very positive way. I enjoyed this song because it gave the base beats of what you would think a dancing song would be but sneaks in sounds that make you stop, think and reflect. 

Director of Communications, Azita Lotfi

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