Interview: Thee FFF on their ‘Contradiction’ EP


Thee FFF is the brain child of house legend Felix da Housecat and Montreal electronic duo Hoopalaï, comprised of François Lebaron and Frédéric Laurier. While they formed the collaboration in early 2015 after a few chances encounters, they have just recently burst on to the scene with a fiery two-track Contradiction EP. Fest Pop got a chance to chat with the trio about the EP, how the project came to be and what influences their style.

Fest Pop: You come from such different backgrounds, both musically and geographically – how does this dynamic translate to your music production?

Thee FFF: We come from different backgrounds, but we have the same musical references. The three of us bring a variety of ideas which most of the time fits together. When we noticed that, we realized we should make more music together 🙂

FP: This project is now based out of Montreal – how does the city and your surroundings inspire your work?

TF: Montreal is very unique. The blend of people is diverse, and it helps to be creative when you don’t feel boundaries.

FP: Tell us about your newest release, your ‘Contradiction’ EP – what is the message of the collection?

TF: This EP was created very organically. We did not think about a particular direction or style. From the first studio session, we just let the ideas flow. François did the same thing with the vocals; it was all about inspiration in the moment. Both songs really reflect each members’ personalities. A nice blend of Chicago, Detroit and minimal flavours.

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FP: Who would you each name as a major influence on your personal styles?

Felix: Lee Scratch Perry, DJ Pierre.

Hoopalaï: Lindstrom, Isolée.

FP: Have you got any plans for tour in the works? No doubt the Thee FFF sound needs to be heard on a live stage very soon!

TF: Yes we have plans to tour. Stay Tuned. Follow us on Facebook to keep up to date! 🙂

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