new york

P.U.R.E at Haus

P.U.R.E @ HAUS: Club Series

P.U.R.E. is set to feature at HAUS Nightclub in New York city for an electronic dance event series. P.U.R.E. @ HAUS will run bi-weekly…

Marshmello Marquee

Marshmello @ Marquee

Special Performance from Marshmello at Marquee Electronic dance producer and DJ, Marshmello, headed over one of New York City’s biggest clubs, Marquee, after performing…


MYSTERYLAND USA Releases Phase 1 Line-Up with Bassnectar, Skrillex, Odesza and more

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=’450′ iframe=”true” /] MYSTERYLAND USA Acclaimed International Festival June 10 -13, 2016 Release Phase One Lineup Featuring Headlining Performances By…